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Buy First, Sell Later OR Sell First, Buy Later? Let's explore to Pros and Cons
When maneuvering to buy and sell your current and future home, planning is very important. From the financial planning, the timeline and...
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Tips to Selling Your HDB
If you are reading this post, most likely that your HDB has reached or is reaching its 5-years Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) and you...
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Tips into Buying your First HDB Property
Just got married? Singles, and just turned 35 years old? Congratulations. You are eligible to buy your first Property. Here are some tips...
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What are the factors to consider when Buying a Property? ( Owner-occupied/ To stay )
Buying a property can be split into 2 categories: To stay or To investment. This topic can be very deep and subjective to each and every...
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What are the factors to consider when buying a Property? ( For Investment Edition )
Every property owner, be it they want to buy for investment or for stay, will prefer to have convenience. Being able to simplify your...
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Can I Afford to Buy a HDB?
Since majority of the population in Singapore owns or stay in HDB, this is a very common question. Whether one can afford to buy a HDB....
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How to Apply for HDB Loan or Bank loan? ( For HDB property )
Did you know that when buying a HDB, you can get loan either from HDB or Banks as well? Yes, you can get loans from the banks as well....
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Which is Better? HDB Loan or Bank Loan? ( For HDB Property )
This is one of the most favorite questions I get from my clients. Which is better? Bank loan or HDB loan? Very subjective topic, and I...
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Why are people selling their HDB BTO units and buying a Private Condominium?
Asset Progression In Singapore, HDB units are for majority of the masses and the government build it for stay rather than for HDB owners...
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Should I pay more monthly for a shorter loan or pay as little as possible but full term tenure?
Another excellent question, and also a very subjective one. No right or wrong answer, really depends on your comfort and affordability....
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